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Chelcice 31
389 01 Vodnany

Czech Republic

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+420 604 235 431

Welcome on Web Page of METEOSERVIS Company




The METEOSERVIS v.o.s. company is engaged in a development,  production and service of the automatic meteorological systems and some selected sensors.  The company was founded in 1994 year.

Products of the METEOSERVIS company are aplicable for :

  • national meteorological service
  • research and aducation
  • road and ait transport
  • agriculture and forestry
  • water service
  • military
  • building industries
  • environment monitoring
  • information local centres
  • sports and recreation
  • and others ...

Products are convenient with WMO recommendation and selected systems have certificate of Czech Hydrometerology Institute

During  the  course  of  existence  of  the METEOSERVIS v.o.s.   company,  various   state  institutions,   research institutes, universities and  private enterprises became its customers.  Among the  important  ones,  there is  the Czech Academy of Sciences -  the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, the   Central   Supervisory   and   Testing   Institute   of Agriculture.  The METEOSERVIS  v.o.s. company  installed its systems also under extreme  conditions on mountain ridges of Krkonoše  Mountains for  the workplace  of  Krkonoše National Park.

Nevertheless,  the Czech  Hydrometeorological Institute  is   the  most  important  customer.   In  1995,  the METEOSERVIS v.o.s.  won a public  commercial competition for automatization  of a  network of  climatological stations of the Czech  Hydrometeorological Institute. For the same customer, the METEOSERVIS v.o.s. builds  the new network of automatic rain gauges with GPRS  data transfer method. Graphics form of results is here

In the Czech Republic is about 175  larger  measuring systems (more than ten connected sensors on each of them) today, products of METEOSERVIS v.o.s. company.  By one of them was quite unique floating evaporation pan. 

Within complete measuring systems the METEOSERVIS company  manufactures selected meteorological sensors too.  It is  especially  the  consistent  series of the rain gauges (with a tipping-bucket principle or  a weighing principle, with  a 200 cm2 or    500 cmcatching  area,  heated or non-heated). A other product is the digital  sun detector.  Our sensors are used in the hydrometeorology networks in the Czech Republic and were delivered to other countries ( we know about Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, India,  etc.. and perhaps to the range others ) too.  ( more about these products - see Reference).  







Copyright (C) 2008 Meteoservis